Sunday, October 19, 2008

Nike Women's Half Marathon aka "Diva Run"

Six months ago, I was lucky enough to gain entrance to the Nike Women's Half Marathon through random selection. Since the race was one month after Big Kahuna, it seemed like a good idea. It would have been a great idea if I had actually continued to work out after Big K. Lucky for me, Nike is such an amazing event that adrenaline and pure enjoyment was enough to carry me through the race. I think there were around 15,000 runners. Women from all 50 states and 25 different countries were on the course.

This race is really unique. Great Dj’s, Live Music, Cheer Teams, Pedi Care Stations, Ghiradelli Chocolate Station, Free Post-Race Massage. And when you cross the finish line, you walk through a tunnel of San Francisco Firefighters dressed in tuxedos holding out silver platters with Tiffany boxes piled high. Yes, your finisher’s medal is a Tiffany’s necklace. At the beginning of the race, I was thinking to myself, “Why is everyone around me wearing diamond earrings?” Now I know – Because Nike is a "Diva Run". Next year I’m bringing my bling…

It was an amazing and unique race experience, but what was my favorite highlight? Having an entire high school cheerleading team do a “Go-Trish-Go!” cheer. Thanks Dennis :)

1 comment:

Dennis said...

I could barely keep up w/ you.... and I was on a bike! Great work, sweetie!