Saturday, January 10, 2009

Breaking News: It's not like your coach rides your bike for you...

So who cares if he quits?, I do!

If you remember from my first blog entry as to why I drank the kool-aid, the final factor in this decision to dedicate 10 months of my life to training for an Ironman was that Wayne was coming back to coach another season of Ironteam. Why such a big deal? Because I whole-heartedly believed in his coaching style and my ability to perform based on his guidance. 3 years ago, I felt like I was jumping off a cliff by signing up to do the Wildflower Half Ironman. Wayne coached me to swim, bike, and run farther than I had ever gone and not to mention drop an impossible 8 lbs. If Wayne tells me not to eat for 18 hours, then I wouldn't eat for 15 hours (any other coach would have only gotten 3 hours). I'm certainly not the only person that felt this way. A large portion of our team are Ironteam 2006 Alumni who came back just to race under Wayne's leadership. I can't believe the man that preached Commitment and Consistency bailed on us...

Ok, now that that's off my chest, I can say that his departure has really forced me to reevaluate why I'm doing this. Being coached by Wayne was a false sense of security, because come August 30th, I'm the one that's going to have to jump off the dock and find a way to cross the finish line in under 17 hours. If anything, this may just make me a little tougher. Our new Head Coach, Dave, is super enthusiastic and determined to make this a great season for all of us.

Condition: Dissappointed but still Determined

1 comment:

East Bay Triple Crown Trail Championships said...

yay - i love your last paragraph! you're awesome Trish and I can't wait for you to rock your Ironman!