Sunday, January 18, 2009

Week 10: Beautiful 57 Mile Ride

Another great week of training down. I completed my swim marker on Saturday. I was absolutely thrilled with my distance of 950 yards in 15 minutes. I think swimming with the Masters Team has helped me step up my pace slightly.
Sunday was our longest distance bike ride, 57 miles. We did a 27 mile loop from Sunol, to Fremont, through Pleasanton, and back to Sunol again to re-fuel. Then a 3o mile out and back on Calaveras. I surprised myself while climbing the ridge becuase I finally experienced the benefit of the spin workouts. I was climbing at a few gears ahead of the granny gear and at a quicker cadence than usual. Somewhere along the way, Kristie, Nick and I ran into our TeamShadow friends Laslo and Amy who were riding from the other direction. They pointed out a bald eagle's nest to us. Later on the ride, Kristie and I spotted a fluffy baby eagle perched on a tree right above the road. It was a beautiful ride, but I was happy to reach the turn around point. As much climbing as I thought we did, I didn't feel like there was nearly enough down hill on the way back.
Condition: Feeling Strong

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