Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 11: Louie Bonpua Memorial Triathlon

On Sunday, January 25th, we raced in an Olympic distance trithlon on Treasure Island in honor of Louie Bonpua. Louie embodied everything Team in Training is about: Finding a cure for cancer, pushing yourself beyond your boundries, and living life to the fullest. We carry his memory in our commitment to fundraise money and accomplish the impossible. Check out the below video!

Swimming in the bay was painful. At the start of the race, my teammate, Nick, dove into the water ahead of me. So I did the same...big mistake. The water was so cold that I could not keep my face submerged. So I swam out to the first booey with my head above water. I later paid the price for this with a 2 day long tender neck strain, but it didn't bother me during the race. We had to complete 3 loops and then out of the water, up the stairs and down the street to transition. The first stop was the wetusit strip. Volunteers unzipped and stripped your wetsuit for you, awesome! Since I wasn't really competing for time, I took advantage of the changing tent and put on dry clothes. The bike course was flat with lots of turns and crater pavement. I kept my gear in the big ring and averaged 17 mph for 24 miles. This is super fast for me and for my friend, LuLu. She said I pulled her along on the bike course, which was only fair because she pulled me along on the run course. LuLu and I put our run/walk strategy to work. Run for 9 minutes and walk for 1 minute. We averaged a 9:47 min/mile with walking, it's genius! We finished in exactly 3 hours.

The race itself was fantastic! Beautifu day, fun course, great volunteers, and a great benchmark for my training.

Condition: Happy to be alive!

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