Monday, June 29, 2009

Week 33: Double Brick in 105 degrees

I love training for an Ironman. I sometimes complain that I'm tired or hungry (always) or that I have no time to socialize or take care of things in my personal life (like laundry), but at 8 months into my journey, I wouldn't change a thing.

Saturday's double brick workout was the hardest day of training that I've experienced so far. (A brick is when you stack a run after a bike ride). It was 30 miles on the bike, 5 miles of running, 30 miles back on the bike, and 5 more miles of running. The actual distances were hard enough, but the East Bay was experiencing a heat wave, so the 105 degree heat took the challenge to a new level. By the 2nd loop on the bike, I was nauseated and physically drained. At the mile 10 water stop, Kristie and Helen doted on me with ice, water, and anything else I needed. Coach Nancy was really encouraging and suggested that we slow the pace down. Over the next 10 miles, I bounced back enough that I wasn't thinking that I couldn't go on. By the time I returned to our starting point, Coach Doug was doing a check in with everyone. When was the last time you peed? Are you dizzy? Are you taking salt tablets? He suggested that we alter the workout for those that could continue - run out to the water stop and turn around. I ended up doing 3.5 miles instead of 5 and I walked for about half of it. By far the hardest day of training to date.

It wasn't an easy day for anyone. The Vineman athletes were scheduled to do a triple brick. I think a few actually completely the full workout, but most were physically unable to continue. 3 of my teamates crashed their bikes. Speaking from experience, nothing is more discouraging that hitting pavement. Everyone is ok, meaning no broken bones, but there will be a lot of healing wounds and bikes.

Post workout, I was presented with the "Spirit Cape" by my team's staff - completely unexpected. I think it's ironic that I received it on the day where my mental and emotional state were at its lowest. I was recognized for my perseverance aka my comeback on the bike. So now I will adorn the cape with something creative and it will be passed on to another athlete in a few weeks.

Condition: Feeling like a wilted flower

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