Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 24: R-E-C-O-V-E-R-Y!

Guess what? I"m 52% of the way to my fundraising goal! Every dollar counts, please click here to donate :)

Recovery week couldn't have come soon enough! 160 miles and over 9,000 feet of climbing over 2 days really wore me out. I had to really push myself to find the motivation to show up for my swim workout on Monday. The factor that finally pushed me to go was that Coach Nancy had set up a post workout dinner with the few of us that swim in Pleasanton. Yes, food is a strong motivator in my life. When I arrived at the pool I was already planning in my head that I was going to take it easy. It was a beautiful sunny day and this always bring the masses to the pool, so the lanes were awfully crowded. Nancy and Skip managed to kick people out of their lane and recruit Nick, Mike, and me to join them. So I'm in a lane with 3 (guy) teammates and a coach. Of the group, I was the only one that had done back to back centuries that weekend (100 mi/100k). My plan of "taking it easy" just went out the door. We all had to do the same workout and time it just right so that Skip and Nick would only have to lap Nancy, Mike, and me once per set. I kept up, but I was absolutely wasted. I must have been a good sport, because they let me pick the dinner place. I love eating with my teammates, it's like being in the Klump family (The Nutty Professor), only we're not grossly obese, we just eat like we are.

On Saturday, I met up Team Shadow, the best Tri Club on the planet, for a leisurely 30 miles in the Oakland hills. Hills never feel leisurely, but nonetheless, I appreciated the quality time with good folks.

On Sunday, I skipped the coached workout at Aquatic Park and instead played hooky with my East Bay teammates at Shadowcliffs. Lucky for me, the Orca Swim Club guy was there and offered to test anyone that that wanted to swim outside of the swim lanes (you have to have a permit). Unfortunately, this test had to be done without a wetsuit. What?! Jess assured me that the water was warm enough, but as I crept into the reservoir in just my bathing suit, I was mumbling all sorts of swear words. The test was really easy, swim down and back. I passed with flying colors. I then promptly put my wetsuit on, thanked the test guy for my new Orca swim cap, and jumped in the water to swim the perimeter of the lake. I really liked this swim and am thinking about making it my Friday night ritual, we'll see.

Condition: Enjoying the recovery

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