Monday, April 13, 2009

Week 22: Focus Week - Swimming

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The Run focus week wore me out, so I had a hard time getting into the Swim focus week. On Tuesday, I reluctantly showed up to the pool. In my mind I was talking myself out of doing the entire workout because I was just so exhausted. Just when I had make up my mind that I would skip the marker set, who walks out onto the pool deck? Coach Nancy and her husband Skip. I guess that was the sign I needed to commit to the workout. I ended up doing the entire workout including the marker set, in which I swam 1,850 yards in 30 minutes. That was enough to give me the momentum I needed to do the rest of the week's workouts.

On Saturday, we swam for an hour in Lake Del Valle. The water was much warmer than the last time we swam there, so it was acutally an enjoyable hour. I was thrown off my rhythem when I t-boned a kayak. Yup, I swam right into the side of a kayaker. It was actually he who crossed into my line. Other than that, it was smooth swimming. After our dip in the lake, we headed out on the trails for an 8 mile run.
Condition: Feeling good in the water

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