Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 16: Still Having Fun

Week 16 was a recovery week, woohoo! Our workouts were a little lighter than usual during the week, but Saturday was still a 3 discipline workout. We had a very special guest, one of our team honorees, Matt Rhodes (pictured above)! Matt is a stage 4 Hodgkins survivor. He's been cancer-free for 7 years, and he lives life to the fullest. He is training for the Wildflower Half Ironman race. Matt' superstar wife, Claire, joined our workout as well. We started the day with a beautiful 18 mile ride on the Paradise Loop in Tiburon. Our bike ride was followed by a 90 minute swim. We didn't actually swim the whole time becuase our coach taught us how to do flip turns. Check us out!

After play time in the pool, we did a 60-minute run in a Larkspur neighborhood. All in all, it was a really fun workout, followed by a team lunch. Burger and beer never tasted so good!

Condition: Dizzy


Dennis said...

I'm sooooo proud of you, sweetie! (BTW... you didn't list your "condition" this week... can I fill in the blank?)

Trish said...

Thanks for the reminder, I just updated it. What would you have filled in the blank?