Since I chose to race Aquabike, I missed a scheduled 19 mile run on the training calendar, and this had to be made up. I never thought I would do something like this, but I used half of a vacation day on the following Tuesday so that I could get the run in before the next weekend. I needed to do it more mentally than physically. On race day, I'll need to do a lot of positive self-talk and I wanted to be able to tell myself "you're prepared, you've done all of the training." So there I was at Inspiration Point on Tuesday morning. I set out to do 3 loops so that I could return to the car every 6.3 miles and replenish my bottle and gels. It was a fantastic run for the first 15 miles. The last 4 were painful. My IT band was super tight and I needed to stop and stretch frequently. By mile 17, my knee was aching. My heartrate was OK, I wasn't winded, I just felt like my legs were slowly breaking down. I have no idea how I'm going to make it another 7 miles after riding for 112 and swimming 2.4 miles, but I will.
On Saturday, Dennis and I headed out of the house at 6 am. We were going to ride 20 miles to meet his team (he's coaching TNT Cycle Team this Fall), join the TNT ride for 20 miles, do the 3 Bears Loop and ride another 20 miles home. Unfortunately, my chain broke at mile 21 and I had to call a cab to pick me up and take me to the nearest BART station. I then walked home and realized I forgot my keys! Ugh...it happens. When Dennis got home we took my bike to the shop and had a new chain put on. Better that this happened when it did and not on race day :P
Condition: Inspired yet broken down
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