Saturday, August 29, 2009

Race Weekend!

Hello Readers!

I'm writing you from Louisville, KY. I only have a few minutes because I have a visualization session in 15 minutes and then it's off to bed. Tommorow is the big day! If your interested in seeing where I am along the course you go to the Athlete Tracker on My bib number is #404. You won't know exactly where I am, but you can see which check points I am in between. Thanks so much for all of the love and support! I can't wait to share the story of my adventure with you :)

Condition: READY!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week 39: Solo 19 Miler & a Mechanical

Since I chose to race Aquabike, I missed a scheduled 19 mile run on the training calendar, and this had to be made up. I never thought I would do something like this, but I used half of a vacation day on the following Tuesday so that I could get the run in before the next weekend. I needed to do it more mentally than physically. On race day, I'll need to do a lot of positive self-talk and I wanted to be able to tell myself "you're prepared, you've done all of the training." So there I was at Inspiration Point on Tuesday morning. I set out to do 3 loops so that I could return to the car every 6.3 miles and replenish my bottle and gels. It was a fantastic run for the first 15 miles. The last 4 were painful. My IT band was super tight and I needed to stop and stretch frequently. By mile 17, my knee was aching. My heartrate was OK, I wasn't winded, I just felt like my legs were slowly breaking down. I have no idea how I'm going to make it another 7 miles after riding for 112 and swimming 2.4 miles, but I will.

On Saturday, Dennis and I headed out of the house at 6 am. We were going to ride 20 miles to meet his team (he's coaching TNT Cycle Team this Fall), join the TNT ride for 20 miles, do the 3 Bears Loop and ride another 20 miles home. Unfortunately, my chain broke at mile 21 and I had to call a cab to pick me up and take me to the nearest BART station. I then walked home and realized I forgot my keys! happens. When Dennis got home we took my bike to the shop and had a new chain put on. Better that this happened when it did and not on race day :P

Condition: Inspired yet broken down

Family Matters: Rhode Island Swim Champs!

Congratulations to the Greenwich Gators for winning their All-Pool Meet!
A special shout out to my cousins Jack Kilpatrick and Cameron Potter who were each awarded the title of "Outstanding Swimmer" in their respective age categories. Awesome job!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Congratulations Ironteamates!

These guys rocked the Vineman course! Congratulations Ironteamates!

Condition: So proud of my Teammates! Go Ironteam!

Week 38: Aquabike

In preparation for Ironman, a few of us thought it would be good to do (not race) Aquabike - to help us test out our ability to ride the full distance without stopping too much as we sometimes do in training. Aquabike is a 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike race on the same course as Vineman. I had the privilege of riding with my teammates who were racing their first Ironman distance race and the pleasure of getting off the bike and being done (as opposed to doing a marathon).

Jess, Mike D, Mike Hazel, Ryan, Becky, Dave, and I stayed in a villa for the weekend that Jess found online. It just happened to be right at the corner where the bike and run course intersect. The property was AMAZING and the location couldn't have been more perfect. We stocked up on lots of food and beer so that we could throw ourselves a delicious BBQ dinner on Friday night. The beer was for Saturday night.

Our alarms went off at 4 am on's pretty typical that the thought, "Why am I doing this?" lingered in my mind at that hour. But my question is always answered during the race. We all quietly ate our breakfasts, packed our gear in the cars and headed to Guernville where the race would start.
The swim would have been perfect if my new attire had worked out better. I had this great idea that if I wore a sports bra under my bathing suit, it would make it easier to change in transition. Unfortunately, I didn't wear a super tight fitting sports bra and as soon as I started swimming, it created a water bubble that dragged on my chest. Frustrating, but I'm glad I didn't try this out on race day. It was 2 loops up and down the Russian River. At points, the river was so shallow, you could stand up and walk. My swim time was 1:21, not bad considering I had that water bubble issue. In transistion, I was able to practice my race day change: swimsuit/sports bra into a cycling shorts and jersey. Worked out just fine.

The bike ride was beautiful! Russian River, vineyards, lots of rollers, only one steep climb (that you do twice). Since our rental house was 57 miles into the ride, we decided to use our driveway as our "special needs" station. Since poor Dave broke his wrist and has folded on his season, he volunteered to be our support guy. This station was a point of contention amonst our group the night before since it's illegal to recieve "outside" help. I had to remind myself that I wasn't racing so a penalty really wouldn't matter. It was just another training day. We took our chances and none of us was spotted by the race officials getting sprayed with sunscreen and picking up our bottles out of a cooler. Jess caught up to me around mile 85, so we rode the rest together. With the last 5 miles to go being flat and me feeling like I still had a lot in me, I couldn't resist hammering it to the finish line. I had this false idea that I could finish the ride in sub 7 hours, but it turns out that was my roll time...oops. Jess held on and we were able to cross the finish line together.

Next on the days agenda was food, shower, and cheering on the teammates competing in Vineman!

Condition: Ready to Race!
I am 92% of the way to my fundraising goal! Help me cure cancer one mile at a time...Donate Here!