Sunday, February 8, 2009

Week 13: The Balancing Act

Sticking to my training plan and maintaining somewhat of a social life is proving to be much harder than I could have imagined. Lately, I've found myself taking extra rest days in order to have dinner with friends or to celebrate with co-workers. On Friday morning, I finally hit the wall. At some point on Thursday night, I rationalized that it was OK to miss my workout, OK to stay out late, OK to have another drink (since Iwasn't driving). I was so hungover on Friday that I had to miss another workout...oh and miss work as well. Saturday morning I hopped in the pool with the dreadful acknowlegment that I haven't swam since the Louie Tri...2 weeks prior. 90 minutes in the pool, 30 minutes of run drills, and a 5 mile run completely wiped me out. By Saturday night, I'd already decided that I was too fatigued to do the 45 mile hill ride on Sunday. Instead, I did a 90 minute trainer ride. Thank God Monday is a rest day. I need a way out of this downward spiral. So here's what I learned from this experience:

  1. Try to plan evening social activities for Sunday or Monday nights (the new Friday/Saturday)

  2. Never consumer more than 3 drinks (by 4 I'll forget this lesson)

  3. Avoid drinking alcohol

  4. Drink lots of water

  5. Go to bed on time

Condition: Feeling as bad as I look

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